EVENTS 2021-2024
Recepção dos Poetas Augustanos nas Letras Modernas (2024)
Três conferências sobre as Odes de Horácio (2024)
Non humilis mulier: Cleopatra in Hollywood (2024)
Luciano de Samósata e sua recepção (2024)
Jornada recepção da literatura grega e latina (2024)
Lançamento: "Discurso por Marcelo", de Cícero (2023)
VIII Colóquio do GP Estudos sobre o teatro antigo: A emoção no drama antigo (2022)
III Simpósio de Iniciação Científica em Letras Clássicas da USP (2022)
5ª Jornada do Romance Antigo: Eros e Afrodite (Parte II) (2021)
Otávia, de Sêneca. Uma leitura afetuosa para Zelia de Almeida Cardoso (2021)
Jornada 50 anos PPG Letras Clássicas (2021)
1) Simpósio de Estudos Clássicos da USP:
Created in 2005, it is aimed at researchers teaching at USP and also at other teaching and research institutions in the country and abroad. This is a thematic meeting, in which researchers teaching classical literature and also history and ancient philosophy from universities in the country and abroad participate in round tables, with three members, give a conference and then debate with the public.
Since 2005, the following editions have been held: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 e 2023.
The event resulted in four publications:
SANTOS, M. M. (org.) 1o Simpósio de Estudos Clássicos da USP. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2006;
CORREA, P. C.; MACEDO, J. M. M.; SANTOS, M. M.; HASEGAWA, A. P. (org.) Hyperboreans. Essays in Greek and Latin poetry, philosophy, rhetoric and linguistics. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2012 (decorrente da quarta edição do evento).
2) Seminário de Pós-Graduação em Letras Clássicas da USP:
Created in 2004, it is aimed at researchers studying at USP and also at other teaching and research institutions. Having gone through different formats over the years, the event focuses on students, providing an opportunity for them to socialize and learn about the research of colleagues in the program, in addition to presenting it to researchers and interested in general.
Since 2004, the following editions have been held: 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 e 2021.
3) Semana de Estudos sobre o Período Helenístico:
This is an academic meeting organized by the Hellenistica research group, founded in 2011 at the University of São Paulo with the aim of periodically organizing events focused on the study of literature from the Hellenistic period, bringing together Brazilian and foreign scholars who work in this area. The original idea for the meeting dates back to 2007 when four PPG professors – Alexandre Pinheiro Hasegawa, Breno Battistin Sebastiani, Fernando Rodrigues Junior and João Angelo Oliva Neto – promoted its first edition.
Since 2007 the editions carried out were: 2007, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 e 2020, and these editions resulted in five publications:
OLIVA NETO, J. A. (org.) I Semana de Estudos Helenísticos. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2010;
SEBASTIANI, B. B.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, F.; HASEGAWA, A. P.; OLIVA NETO, J. A. (org.) Hellenistica. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2013;
SEBASTIANI, B. B.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, F.; SILVA, B. C. (org.). Estudos de poesia e prosa helenística. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2017;
SEBASTIANI, B. B.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, F.; HASEGAWA, A. P.; OLIVA NETO, J. A.; SILVA, B. C. (org.). Helenismo. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2017;
RODRIGUES JUNIOR, F.; SEBASTIANI, B. B.; SILVA, B. C. (org.). A Poética Calimaquiana e sua Influência na Poesia Epigramática. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2021.
All the abovementioned meetings aim not only to foster academic contact and the exchange of knowledge and points of view, but also to stimulate the academic spirit of scientific debate among the Program's students.