Projects that require knowledge of ancient languages must be enrolled in the research lines GRECO-LATIN POETRY AND PROSE or GRECO-LATIN THEORETICAL DISCOURSE. Their respective candidates, therefore, must take a Greek or Latin language proficiency test. Only projects focused on the relations between the literatures of departure (Greek and Latin) and the texts of arrival should apply to the Research Group RECEPTION OF GRECO-LATIN LITERATURE, and their candidates must take the dissertation on the reception of Greco-Latin Literature.
Aiming not only at promoting broader research lines, capable of housing a wider range of projects, but also at providing greater collaboration between the different projects developed in the Program, it was deemed more productive to reduce the number of lines of research and, consequently, the expansion of their content. Thus, as of 2012 there are two lines of research for the program, namely: 1) Greco-Latin Poetry and Prose; 2) Greco-Latin Theoretical Discourse. On the one hand, the first of these two new lines regroups thematically dispersed, nevertheless related proposals by three of the previous five lines in force since 1997, namely: 1) Greco-Latin Narrative, 2) Greco-Latin Theater, 3) Lyric, Satirical and Didactic Poetry; on the other hand, the name of one of the two previous research lines was kept, which regroups the proposals of the lines "Greco-Latin Theoretical Discourse" and "Greek and Latin Phrase Structure". The following is a brief description of the two current lines.