Projects that require knowledge of ancient languages must be enrolled in the research lines GRECO-LATIN POETRY AND PROSE or GRECO-LATIN THEORETICAL DISCOURSE. Their respective candidates, therefore, must take a Greek or Latin language proficiency test. Only projects focused on the relations between the literatures of departure (Greek and Latin) and the texts of arrival should apply to the Research Group RECEPTION OF GRECO-LATIN LITERATURE, and their candidates must take the dissertation on the reception of Greco-Latin Literature.




The Classical Literature Program at USP promotes three lines of research, as detailed below: (1) Greco-Latin theoretical discourse, (2) Greco-Latin poetry and prose, and (3) Reception of Greco-Latin literature.



Greco-Latin Theoretical Discourse

This line of research houses: 1) projects that study Greek and Latin texts in which poetic, rhetorical, or philosophical theory is expounded; 2) projects that investigate rhetorical, ethical, political, and mythical aspects of various Greek and Latin texts; 3) projects that focus on grammatical aspects of Greek and Latin prose and poetry; 4) projects that investigate lessons on Greek and Latin language by ancient grammarians and modern linguists.


"A recepção dos clássicos no Renascimento"

"Investigando o teatro ateniense: sociedade, linguagem, performance"

As artes na Antiguidade Clássica greco-romana

Língua grega no contexto indo-europeu: gramática e fraseologia

Literatura e arqueologia da representação de consenso na Antigüidade Tardia

Projeto Minimus no VIII: Grego e Latim no Ensino Fundamental (8 bolsas PUB)

Prosa grega: filosofia, historiografia e oratória

Retórica e literatura latina pós-clássica

Retórica, oratória e filosofia na Roma antiga

Práticas gramaticais e práticas mitográficas entre gregos e romanos

Poética, Tradução e História da Tradução

Estudo de textos com tradução anotada do latim

Greco-Latin Poetry and Prose

This line houses projects that investigate 1) Greco-Latin narrative, either in verse (epic) or prose (historiography, romance), in order to characterize the subject matter, elocution, methods and purposes proper to each narrative genre (= epic, history, etc.); 2) Greco-Latin dramaturgy, in order to characterize the species of tragedy, comedy, satirical drama, as well as to investigate the relations between drama and theater. ); 2) Greco-Latin dramaturgy, in order to characterize the species of tragedy, comedy, satirical drama, as well as to investigate the relations between theater and ethics, politics and philosophy; 3) the characterization of the various species of the so-called Greco-Latin lyric (odes, epigrams, epodos, etc.) and also of satire and didactics.


"Textos filosóficos latinos: tradução e estudo".

Cícero rétor, orador, filósofo

Poesia dramática latina: estudo e tradução

Prosa narrativa de ficção na Grécia antiga: romance e gêneros correlatos

Sófocles: Tragédias. Estudo e tradução

Epigramas Renascentistas

Da poesia grega arcaica à helenística: estudo, comentário, tradução

Estudo e tradução da poesia e da prosa latinas do início da Época Imperial (dinastias
Júlio-Claudiana, Flávia e Antonina)

Estudo da organização dos poemas e o estilo nas obras de Horácio, Virgílio e Ovídio


A Literatura Grega dos Períodos Helenístico e Imperial

Poesia e música grega antiga: tradução, comentário, estudos temáticos e teóricos

Poesia grega arcaica e clássica

Reception of Greek and Latin Literature

Definition: The research line "Reception of Graeco-Latin literature" will shelter study projects centered on the following topics: 1) reception of Graeco-Latin literature within Antiquity itself; 2) reception of Greco-Latin literature in the post-Antiquity cultural imaginary, in its various languages; 3) theories of reception-translation of Graeco-Latin literature.

Justification: Originating in aesthetics studies and used from the second half of the 20th century onwards to replace words such as "imitation", "permanence", "tradition", "inheritance", "influence", "appropriation", etc., the term "reception" was given the adjective "of the classics" to define the area of knowledge dedicated to the investigation of the processes of selection, representation or adaptation of works from Greco-Roman Antiquity in different epochs or contexts. The ancient corpus is therefore studied in the course of its transmission, as if it has been cut out, rewritten, translated, represented, and (re)imagined, according to the circumstances of the historical moment in which this (re)reading took place. Just as the artist who revisits Antiquity must do it consciously and deliberately, so must his reader be the bearer of the required knowledge for the dialogue (in which the receiver-producer is an intermediary between the ancient and his own time) to be established as broadly as possible, generating, in turn, other readings, which form a game of mirrors in which the classical reference is reflected as in a kaleidoscope, in multiple and multiplied forms, but always recognizable. Since the field of Classical Studies itself is necessarily involved, simultaneously with the theories related to the reception's area of arrival (the support in which the reception happens and that, in our days, may encompass productions such as cinema or comics), and since Reception Studies necessarily embrace borrowing, intertextuality, different theorizations and knowledge from several epochs, etc, the Reception of Greco-Latin Literature stands out, essentially, for its interdisciplinarity. In the same way, the study of reception necessarily establishes the bridge between "us" and the "ancients", recovering its quality of "classic", that is, of a text that is always alive, that always has something to say. Thus, new and larger audiences are formed for the reading of the classics of antiquity, shown in all their capacity to generate other contents, in the most different times and cultures, in all artistic media, from literature to games, from translations to advertising and fashion.


Recepção dos clássicos e teorias críticas

Estudos de recepção da poesia grega e latina